Thursday, August 19, 2010

New Los Angeles Water Restrictions

Yesterday the LA City Council approved an updated version of the watering restrictions. Under the previous regulations watering was only allowed on Mondays and Thursdays. Under the new revisions you can water up to three times a week, and which days you may water are determined by whether your street number ends in an odd or even number.

Odd numbered addresses can water on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays while even numbers can water on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays. If your address ends in a fraction, the number that precedes it determines your watering days.

Additionally, the amount you can water with traditional spray or bubbler heads has been reduced from 10 minutes per watering day per station to 8 minutes. Rotor heads and water-saving rotary style heads may be run for 15 minutes at a time, and twice per watering day per station, a definite increase from before, and an amount much more likely to keep your yard alive. It appears that those are the major changes. The new revisions will go into effect until 5 days after Mayor Villaraigosa signs them into law, probably by Labor Day.

The DWP's fact sheet can be found here.