Friday, December 3, 2010

Regular Yard Drain Cleaning And Maintenance

If you have a yard drainage system that you depend on to carry water away from your house and property when it rains, you should make sure to maintain it. If you don't, you might not find out until it's too late that it's not working the way it's supposed to. Regular maintenance of a yard drainage system, including cleaning of catch basins, swales and drain inlets and snaking or hydro-jetting of drain lines, is very important. Debris, roots and dirt can eventually build up and choke your drainage system. We often find systems that haven't been maintained for years have pipes packed solid with dirt:

We recommend an annual drainage maintenance call before the rainy season. Hammer Company provides this service, which typically includes checking and cleaning all catch basins and drain inlets, snaking or high pressure water jetting of underground drain pipes, and testing to see if water introduced into these drains runs out the discharge as it's supposed to (usually to a curb drain at the street,) and if it does so in a timely fashion. If minor cleaning and drain clearing doesn't get the water draining as it should, we can investigate and/or replace portions of the drain line.

Additionally, sump pits should be regularly cleaned, at least annually, and sump pumps tested to make sure they will activate when you need them to.

A yearly maintenance call can save you a yard flooding incident or even water from getting into your house or garage. The water is much harder to deal with once that's already happened!

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